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In 1990, I founded Research Associates Laboratory, Inc. in Ohio (RAL-Ohio). We were the first commercial laboratory to provide molecular-based diagnostics for avian medicine. In conjunction with the University of Georgia, we were the first laboratory to offer testing for Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease virus and Avian Polyomavirus.
Throughout its 10 year history, the laboratory in Ohio earned a reputation of reliability and accuracy in service to the veterinary community. In December of 2001, the laboratory was briefly moved to Dallas, Texas. In an effort to insure the accuracy and reliability of the diagnostic testing, the laboratory was relocated back in Ohio as Veterinary Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. (VMD). VMD is a comprehensive, state-of-the art facility that incorporates the latest, most effective, and best available technology for molecular-based disease diagnosis.
With over 40 years of experience, VMD is a laboratory for Avian & Exotic Animal veterinarians run by ​Avian & Exotic Animal veterinarians.
Our contributions to avian medicine:
- The first commercial molecular-based testing for Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease.
- The first commercial molecular-based testing for Avian Polyomavirus.
- One of the original laboratories to offer avian gender DNA analysis.
- Developed the blood polyomavirus assay to detect infected, non-viral shedding, carrier birds.
- Developed & offered the first commercial molecular-based test for Chlamydia psittaci (AAV proceeding 1998).
- Developed & offered the first commercial molecular-based test for Psittacid Herpes Virus.
- The first laboratory to accurately identify the lory and lorikeet Circovirus variant in the 1999 West Coast epornitic.
- Developed the use of Terbinafine HC1 as fungicidal therapy in avian mycosis.
- Developed the use of Cox-II inhibitors for therapy for birds affected with "wasting" disease/avian ganglioneuritis.
- The only US laboratory to offer the patented, Anti-ganglioside Antibody Assay.
- The first commercial veterinary laboratory to offer Next-Generation Sequencing for identifying unknown viruses in test samples.
Robert D. Dahlhausen DVM, MS
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